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wood floor refinishing, interior painting, bathroom remodeling
Refinish your hardwood flooring & combine with interior painting for GREATER savings!
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We don't just refinish wood flooring or just install hardwood flooring, but we also offer interior painting, and full bathroom remodeling.
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The video has been sped up 3x.
This is a simple & fast process. It may remove some wear and tear. This method may be ideal if your floor is lightly worn. This process may take just a few hours to complete. A layer or 2 of finish completes this process (see top video of the same floor).
It's very affordable and clean to perform.
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As long as you give us at least 3 hrs in advance, someone can be there today.
Great question. We get that often. We prefer to paint first, leaving the molding only AFTER sanding. However, either way works for us, as we are responsible for both services.
Yes, we do.
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